Waqf Rauza-e-Zainabia

          Waqf Rauza-e-Zainabia registered in U. P. Shia waqf board vide regd. No. I-980. The copy of Register No. 30 is enclosed (File-A page no. 17 only) and records of revenue departments also attached (File No-B page 28-48) in the year 1948 the mutawalli of above waqf made an agreement with Mr. Anand Swarup Gupta to give him the land of waqf on lease. The copy of lease deed is enclosed (File No-B page 1-6). The lease was cancelled in year 1999-2000 by board chairman but the mutawalli could not get possession of the said land as the matter has been gone to hon'ble High Court. An efficient pairvee & legal battle may release the land. but the present committee is not working honestly in this direction. The committee is also appointed by waqf board since more than 20 years is not as per scheme of management as waqf founder's will. Enclosed relating documents (File No-B page 7-27).