WHAT YOU CAN DO We would give our life for Imam Hussain(as) & the Kerbala Martyrs ..... In India extensive Properties belonging essentially to Imam Hussain(as) in the form of Wakfs have been usurped & we have an obligation to protect it In order to begin to address this major issue a website has been created www.ImamProperty.com Objective : Save /reclaim Wakf properties & put them to use for the purpose /community intended. There are many properties in India which belonged to Wakfs / Imambargahs & are now usurped or not available for the purposes intended . This Site is an attempt to Raise Awareness & Collect / Display related Information ,Collaborate & Provide guidance. Significant amount of data /lists have been complied for certain locations & visitor is invited to go through the details YOU CAN TAKE FOLLOWING ACTIONS 1) Change Your /others attitude : The general response is ‘Oh that’s a big problem I cant do anything’ Yes You can & over time there wil be results we do OUR bit regularly 2) Raise Awareness : Inform others of this website ,Use Email & all social media to to this Print & Distribute these Handbills/Posters /leaflets Eng ,Urdu ,Hindi | Circulate this image by Whats app 3) Write letters /emails to newspapers /government authorities / wakf board in your state in this format under sec 70) pdf
Anyone can take recourse to this section being a Muslim worshipper as a
person so interested. The Supreme Court has held in several judgements
that worshippers are persons interested 4) Collect information /evidence on all wakf misuse in your area & send that to Imamwakfs@gmail.com Seek information through RTI act by writing to wakf boards…. Eg letter written for west bengal brought this response from Wakf board delhi See http://imamproperty.com/wakflegal/ 5)Raise Funds to file legal cases which can be done transparently by organisations /persons for specific properties in that location 6) READ & see More detail actions here or contact team at Imamwakfs@gmail.com